An opportunity to earn $50 and help a Lyon's Pride member with her research

19 Oct 2012 10:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Boston-Area Couples Needed for Paid Research Opportunity


Earn $50 for participating in a study about long-term relationships and health.



What kinds of couples do we need?


* Long-term: in a committed relationship for at least 7 years

* Between the ages of 40 and 60

            * Gay, lesbian, or straight

* Married or unmarried

* With kids or childless

* Same- and mixed-race couples


Couples who participate in a confidential interview and complete a series of short questionnaires will receive two $25 gift cards ($50) as a token of our appreciation.


This project is supported by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research awarded to Dr. Debra Umberson.


The Massachusetts Health and Relationships Project

617-475-0494  ­  ­

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