Sunday, June 25, 2023
2:30 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
1525 Abbot Kinney Blvd · Venice, CA
It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten together…and a really long time since we had a gathering just focused on women (including everyone who identifies as a woman)…so thought we’d reconnect (this group and a few others) during Pride month at a fun outdoor location. And because most of the events out there seem to focus on women in their 20’s, this event is geared toward the 35+ set.
We’ll be attempting a very queer coup of the Brig’s patio on Sunday, June 25. Come join us for an informal Sunday afternoon drink to reconnect with familiar faces, and bring your friends to add some new faces!
Thanks to Sandie and Melissa for organizing this!
You need to be a Meetup member (free to join) to join the IvyQ group and RSVP to this event: