Five College Queer Sexuality and Gender Conference
Saturday March 5th, 2011
Franklin Paterson Hall Hampshire College
with keynote speaker Michelle Tea
Michelle Tea
Is an author, poet, and literary arts organizer whose autobiographical works explore queer culture, feminism, race, class, prostitution, and other topics. Award-winning books and anthologies include Rose of No Man's Land, The Chelsea Whistle and Without A Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class.
Workshops Include
Asexuality 101, Gender Performance Through Improv, Health and Wellness Determinants of LGBT Youth, The Sharing Chain, Patriarchy in LGBT/Queer Community, Queering Bodies, (Em)power Play, Whip Yourself Into Shape!: BDSM for Beginners, Pervertibles, Kinky Queer Consent, Pushing the Homosocialist Agenda: Why We Love Being LGBTQ, Campus and Community Sexual Assault Resources, Flagging for the 21st Century, Virginity: What Does It Mean To You?, The Sexuality and Disability Disconnect, Queer Jewish Forum, Shaping Queer Bodies: Experiences and Representations of Female-Born Queers, Emotional Abuse in Queer Relationships, Radical Dirty Talk: Learning to use enthustiastic consent to enhance your sex life, On the RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink, Projecting Identities, LGBT-Themed Youth Literature, What Kind of Leader Am I, Bisexuals in Mixed Orientation Relationships, Self-Care for Activists and Allies, A Path to Diversity, Healing, Liberation & Evolution of the Trans Body, The Politics of Gender Variant Language, Our Liberation: Using Interactive Theater to Untangle Oppressions, The Spirituality of Queer Acts, Strategies for Everyday Activism, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Orgasms, Straddling Sex Work, Building a Better Trans 101, Queer Family Making, Medical Guidelines for Gender Variant Youth, Navigating Public Health Programming: How to Retain Your Power As A Queer Person, Queer Radical Mental Health, Comprehensive Ally, Ropes Skills, QIPOC caucus
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