Tufts University Pride on the Hill Presents...
Ivy and NESCAC + Pride Happy Hour
Boston, MA
WHEN: Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
WHERE: Cathedral Station
1222 Washington St
Boston, MA 02118
COST: Complimentary of Tufts Pride on the Hill alumni group
RSVP: Please RSVP at http://btgala.tigernet.princeton.edu/EventRSVP
Tufts University Pride on the Hill in efforts to bring LGBTQA Alums together for Pride is hosting their 2nd annual Boston Pride Alumni Ivy and NESCAC + Happy Hour. Wear your favorite school clothes and meet fellow LGBTQA alums from the different schools in the IVY and NESCAC + Schools. Appetizers will be provided and Cash Bar will be available, and if the weather is nice we will be out on the patio celebrated Boston Pride Together!