Ivy Pride Alliance LA Presents...
LGBT Happy Hour at Bar Mattachine
Los Angeles, CA
Co-hosted by Cal Alumni of LA, Ivy Pride Alliance, Stanford Pride, Brown TBGALA, Cornell GALA, Harvard GSC, Penn GALA, UCLA Lambda, U Chicago LGBT Alumni Group, IvyQ, and FFR/Princeton BTGALA
WHEN: Thursday, March 6, 6pm
WHERE: Bar Mattachine, 221 W 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA
COST: Cash bar
RSVP: Please at https://www.facebook.com/events/147391715641247/ or use our RSVP Form at http://goo.gl/OOOGFS
Come join Cal Alumni LA, UChicago LGBT, Ivy Pride, and other fellow college alumni for our first event of 2016 at the ever so swanky Bar Mattachine. What better way to unwind after work and chill with fellow LGBT professionals than in DTLA's newest LGBT-themed cocktail bar. Everyone, including allies, is welcomed.