Greater Boston GLBT Ivies and Friends presents:
Stories from the B-Side: Bisexual Voices
Thursday, October 16, 2014
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Cambridge Public Library (Main)
449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA
The Lecture Hall (Auditorium) on Level L2 - Look for the LGBT Ivies sign
Sponsored by Brown TBGALA, Cornell GALA (CUGALA), Dartmouth GALA, Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus, MIT BGALA, Mount Holyoke Lyon's Pride, G & L Alumni of Notre Dame & St. Mary's, PennGALA, Stanford Pride and Yale GALA
An Evening of Diverse Bisexual Viewpoints
The City of Cambridge GLBT Commission, along with SpeakOUT Boston, the Biseuxal Resource Center, and the Cambridge Public Library, will be hosting an event at the library called "Stories from the B-Side: Bisexual Voices."
Ellyn Ruthstrom, of SpeakOUT and the Bisexual Resource Center, will present some basic info about bisexuality, and then a diverse panel of men, women & teens who acknowledge their attraction to more than one gender will present more personal stories. There will be time for questions, and some networking time before and after the event.
Cambridge GLBT Commissioner Caitlyn Drechsler will introduce the evening. The schedule is as follows:
Cambridge Public Library Lecture Hall & Community Room
• 6-6:30 Networking & getting seated
• 6:30 – 8:00 Presentation & Q&A
• 8:00 – 8:30 More networking
This event is free, and for all audiences: bi, gay, lesbian, trans, straight, and anyone who wants to learn more about what it is like to be Bisexual in a Straight-and-Gay world.
If you are interested in being on the mailing list for other Boston-area GLBT Ivy and Friends events, their meetup page is